Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Fun continues...

The bar top is mocked up in LDF

The HVAC duct was hung

Wainscoting and door casings are being built

The walk-in cooler is almost complete

'Nuff Said

I now charge the crew money to drink beer at the site... because i legally can.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Moving Along

Kev & Cuj are making the benches... and they look sweet.

Brother Paul and Bobby (John E. Pockets is on tour with The Weight!) are building the walk-in in the basement.

And this masked man showed up today to knock a hole in our wall! RAD!!


I give you... Your Sink...
(thats right. there is a place for your bag.)

Cool Tools of The Richardson


I am thinking of starting a Grouterwear clothing line, consisting of various Groutfits specifically tailored to the art of grouting. Below is my prototype for Knee-Gloves.

Monday, March 3, 2008

February... and counting

I have been slacking off on the "blogging" posts lately.
the only reason that i can give is that progress is so steady and so apparent on a daily basis, that i dont know what to post!

here are the month's updates:

we found someone to work in that small closet

the ceiling was finished

Jimmy Crane deliverd the HVAC at 5am

Cujo tiled the floors

Kev built banquettes

and Kev & Cuj both taped

while i worked hard checking their work

here is a detail of the bathroom tile + base board

and here is the room, Saturday afternoon, March 1

We have some big things happening in the next few days & weeks, and i promise to be a bit more on top of things with the "blog." Next week we pick up the "magical document," and i will be sure to post a shot of it... check back soon... and vote below, dammit, vote!